Superbait’s new bag, the Shadow Bag, makes life easier for the bank angler. We know comfort and ease is important to the bank fisherman. It’s single sling style makes it easy to get things out of your bag without taking it off while you are on the move. Just simply turn the bag around to access the pockets and turn it back once you’re done. The Shadow Bag has plenty of space for your Plano box or favorite swimbait wraps, scale, travel measuring board, and more. It comes equipped with some clips at the bottom of the bag for when you want to take your jacket off. Just roll it up, strap it in, and you can keep going down the bank. And if you feel like you still need more storage space, you can purchase additional smaller bags that secure to the outside of the bag. Perfect for terminal tackle, conventional lures, and personals. The customizations are endless. This bag has been turning heads not only in Korea and other parts of Asia, but here in the states as well. At this moment, it is not available in the U.S. , but keep an eye out for a release very soon.